The connecting force in data-driven transformation

The promise of data is incredible - now we just need to harness it to its full potential. Mahout believes connecting data and people is the starting point of a successful data-driven transformation, resulting in sustainable and valuable customer relationships.

Smart data solutions

People-oriented approach

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An ongoing journey to a data-driven organisation Data-driven thinking, doing and dreaming

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The strength of our approach Essential building blocks

Build smart data solutions

Using our in-depth technical expertise, we build customer-oriented data solutions that fit the needs of your organisation.

What makes a data solution smart is not the technology behind it, but the problem it solves for your organisation. Whether your goal is to better understand your customers, have more relevant interactions with them or get your internal steering information right, data is always just the tool. To make sure we are addressing the right problem in the right way, we look at the end-to-end process and involve all relevant stakeholders from the business, data and IT teams.

Secure results in your organization

Once your organisation knows how to deploy new data solutions, we are not done yet. To us, a project is only successful when all parties involved cannot - and do not want to - do it any other way.

To get real value out of a data solution, the solution must land in your organisation. Be given a structural place in your business processes and in the way of working for its end users. That is why we coach these end users until the solution has become their own. We do this together with your data team, which acts as coach and advisor. But adoption is not enough. We want the end users to be so enthusiastic about the solution that they want nothing more than to work data-driven. And approach the data team with new ideas.

Crank up the flywheel

By involving the entire organisation in successful data solutions, we continuously stimulate enthousiasm for the new data-driven way of working.

Our goal is to change your organisation permanently. Therefore, we are not done after simply having secured your results. We seek out the fans of data-driven work in your organization and turn them into ambassadors. Together with the ambassadors we take to the stage. We inspire and excite the rest of the organisation. We share our enthusiasm, our successes and our mistakes. Everything to ensure that they become enthusiastic too. That's how we crank up the flywheel and build a data-driven culture.

Curious what we can do for your organisation?

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